Conditions were fortuitous and a soft rain pleasantly cooled us down at the start, but the course itself was tough, with a big uphill thru the woods for the first 2-3 K, followed by a massive 4-5K downhill that did no justice to my shins. Carol and I passed each other several times, encouraging each other thru the undulations and fluctuations. At 14K, an old runner's knee injury flared up, and I had to stop for a minute to stretch it, which blew my 2nd half time. I averaged about 4:20 pace thru 10K, but slowed after 12K to over 5 minute pace, and finished the 2H with about 4:47 pace. Granted there was another heartbreak hill the last 3K, which thru my 2H split more out of whack. Came in at:
10K: 43:34
10K: 47:48
20K: 1:31:22
Not an ultra fast time, but given the course and taper for ironman next Sunday, I'm fairly happy with the result. The weekend on Lake Kawaguchi was excellent, great BBQ, fire festival, oyaji gyagus, lots of quality hanging time with everyone, etc. Thanks to Yuka for organizing and Colin for driving, and Carol for pushing me up those hills.
sugei sugei
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